Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Can't Call It "Bigotry"

For every claim that the term "racist" or "homophobe" is used to shut down legitimate debate, there seems to be a legitimate amount of covert bigotry from the accused.

Today, criticizing bigotry with calling it as it is, is almost as stigmatized as overt bigotry itself. You can't use the "N" word openly in debate just like you can't call the fence between America and Mexico racist. Hell, gay marriage opponents aren't even "homophobes" today. Instead they're "advocates for the sanctity of marriage." Because you know... people REALLY give a shit about the sanctity of marriage.

And racism is no longer racism. It's "black folks just need to pull themselves out of any situation their in despite any historical context which I chose to conveniently ignore." And as for their disproportional rate of poverty, it's simply because of their backwards culture. They have done it to themselves (sarcasm)!

I'm sorry but color blindness is just a modern day revival of the old racism. It's denying white privilege. It's denial of a history of racial slavery. To deny homosexuals the chance of marriage is to be fearful of homosexuality which is... by its very definition... "homophobia." There are ideas which many people hold and would still deny their own bigotry.

Don't mind me... I'm just playing the race/ gay/ woman card because... some people need to be called out on their shit.

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