Thursday, September 22, 2011

Workplace Democracy As A Means To A Paradigm Shift Among Social Relationships

I've recently started designing a pamphlet. I've actually finished it but I just need to figure out how to more efficiently produce and distribute it. It's a pamphlet containing brief information on workplace exploitation and the worker-run solution.

Anyways, I was sort of proud from breaking out of my debilitating habit of being online all day and not being very productive at all with my free time.

The reason why I personally focus on worker liberation (as opposed to sexual, racial and other forms) is because workers are a very general portion of the population which unknowingly face oppression each day. I say "unknowingly" because the oppression is seen as more of an individualistic issue rather than a collective issue of all of today's wage slaves. Ignoring the systemic issue of corporate oppression helps maintain the exploitation by sending the message "If you're unhappy at your job, you just need to find a better job." rather than admitting that the entire capitalist economic system is comprised of jobs that offer no chance of worker-control and workplace democracy.

So I would argue that the main goal of educating people (who are usually workers themselves) about workplace democracy is to make the giant leap from a culture of exploitation and domination to a more egalitarian and democratic society. Once the playing field is some what leveled out, then people may be more willing to recognize each others' issues such as male dominance, racial domination and other forms of societal inequalities that coexist with workplace domination.

Currently it seems, the cultural climate mixed with capitalist domination only allows for so much breathing room. There's only so much time to self reflect and resist within the time frame of a worker who has a full-time job or is carrying multiple jobs to meet the needs of their own survival. And in between the moments of being dominated in the workplace, the average person is tempted with entertainment and various distractions to consume their free time. Even if the average worker didn't indulge his or her free time with fun, the general attitude of individual success would still make them feel obligated to continue the system as it currently stands rather than fight back.

That's why the only non-governmental, logical and non-coercive step towards liberation would be to educate. Get people fired up about the issue of workplace democracy. Raise awareness in peoples' minds as to their true potential in their company. If there is no culture of resistance then there will be no progress and the cycles of generations to come will continue to be plagued with an economy that never gave them a chance.

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