Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Occupy Movement Is A Perfect Example of a Stateless Society

The correlation between the Occupy movement and a stateless society based on collective relationships is almost piece by piece, a perfect match.

For starters, there's the spontaneous organization. Like many movements, Occupy Wall Street triggered cities all over the USA (and now beyond) to form organizations. The great part about this also, is that the internal structure lacks a hierarchy. Just like a worker's co-op, the Occupy movement consciously avoids top-down tyranny by advancing its purpose through democratic decisions.

In addition, the only true threat to the Occupy movement IS top-down hierarchy. Those threats would mostly be from police crack downs to partisan sabotage (for instance, letting a Democrat or right-wing Libertarian hijack its message).

Anyways, I was browsing Reddit (as usual) the other day and of course there was some post where some naive (most likely a liberal) Occupier was going off about anarchists sabotaging the movement or at least making too much of an embarrassing presence. I'm sorry, but there's just a laughable amount of irony in a tyranny-apologist's complaint about a democratic movement being hijacked by anarchists. If this movement is under threat by anything, it's the Don't Tread On Me and Obama crowd who would sell themselves short on the dime just to make a little reform in a broken system. A system which secures property rights for private tyrannies and maintains oppression through police force.

So please... dear liberals of America. For the love of all that's good in this world, stop comparing anarchism to chaos when the system that your party has favored has caused more chaos than any single person could ever hope or wish for.

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