Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Urban Farming As A Means To A Better Society

(I've written about this before, but I thought I'd throw the concept onto this blog as well.)

If you look at a map with all of the various political beliefs in specific regions, usually what you'll find is that the big cities are more progressive while rural places tend to stay more conservative. Long story short... individual isolation stunts human progress. This is why, to me, it doesn't seem like a far stretch to suggest that the bulk of society should work towards condensing itself into certain areas.

Now let's say one were to buy into this pretense but then asks, "How do we cram society together to promote social progress?" That is precisely where urban farming comes into play. Furthermore, it's also a call to eliminate rural farming all together.

Reasons to eliminate rural farming:

1) Inefficient.
2) Weather dependent.
3) Stunts social progress.
4) Waste of land space.

Urban farming would serve as a better alternative because instead of depending on the weather to dictate the seasons in which we expect our foods, we could focus on building artificial climates to provide the ability to grow any food, any where and at any time of the year. Also, if we instead crammed these "urban farms" into buildings, we wouldn't rely on vast lands to produce our food.

If we could control the environment we would eliminate the need for pesticides. Healthier fruits, healthier people! And on that note with the environment, if society was condensed into smaller regions because of urban farming, that would be a great incentive for alternative energies to keep these small places nice and clean. Think also about all of the extra land this would free up. This could potentially be used as a way to also promote nature conservancy in certain places.

Suddenly, everyone lives in closer quarters with each other, society becomes more aware of itself and others, progress thrives, unity and community are strengthened and everyone has easier access to locally grown veggies.

How do we get this started? With today's economic powers waving over the heads of all the citizens, I really am not sure how to implement this strategy. I personally tend to live in a dream world where I can fathom communities self-organizing to better themselves and their own standards. It's hard to really say where capitalism will take us from our current point in time. Even to those who would argue that the state also plays too big of a role in our market... either way, the status-quo (however one would interpret it to be) doesn't really seem to be open to this idea at the moment. But maybe one day...

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