Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hyper-Capitalists Monopolize In the Bullshit Market

There's many ironic things about hyper-capitalists. I use the term "hyper-capitalist" as an umbrella term in reference to right-wing "libertarians," economic conservatives and anarcho-capitalists. Besides for their unwavering support of unchecked bureaucratic power to go along with their "Don't Tread On Me" slogans, their laissez-fairy tales don't stop short of conspiracy theories and a complete disregard for class inequalities and privileges.

Recently, I was checking out the whole "53%" hubbub on Tumblr and how people were saying that the images on there were fake. First off, we have to look past the absurdity that lies within some of those posts to begin with.

People have supposedly been posting up these horribly depressing stories about working "like a dog" to earn what little money they do have just to survive. This is all meant to say, "America... fuck yeah!" but it looks more to me like a somber celebration from a bunch of wage-slaves. This all makes me wonder too if during the days of African slavery in America, if they could've polled the slaves... I wonder how many of them would've agreed that slavery is good because at least they get their food after a hard day's work.

Any ways, the point of this all is that if these are actually made up (to at least a certain degree).. that's completely pathetic and antithetical to their "movement." It's stupid in the same way that Alex Jones (right-wing nut extraordinaire) lies to all his listeners on his radio show blatantly every episode. It's stupid in the same way that all of Ron Paul's followers ignore his stances on race and abortion.

I've come to the conclusion lately, that hyper-capitalists love to make up bullshit. They passed a law in 2006 that would try to destroy the public-sector US Post Office by making them pay "annual $5.5 billion payments to fund 75 years of future retirement packages" (http://www.pittsfield.com/story/39520/Postal-Services-Rally-For-New-Pension-Bill.html). If the public-sector works, purposely make it fail because umm... COMMUNISM SUCKS!!!

Oh yeah.. and anarcho-capitalists also love to make up stories in the form of science-fiction novels. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-capitalist_literature#Fiction

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