Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Equality Within Communism

What does "communist equality" sound like to a capitalist? Well, it probably sounds like a place where everyone wears the exact same uniform and marches to the exact same drum beat in an impoverished nation under the guise of a merciless regime. You've got to love that Cold War propaganda!

To be fair however, capitalism to me sounds like a country full of micro-dictatorships where all the workers serve their masters while wearing identical uniforms and listening to the same corporate radio stations. Actually, that's based more so on my real-life experience though and not just propaganda and rhetoric.

You see, to imagine that one could desire equality while also embracing an elite ruling party is such a contradicting concept that if I were to try and make sense of it my brain would probably go through a melt down. And capitalists pride themselves in opportunistic equality because anyone could some day make it to the top and have their own glorious enterprise dominion. It's such a beautiful thing when the exploited take their unprivileged opportunity of social mobility and become the exploiters. (Was the sarcasm apparent enough??)

All jokes cast aside, equality in reward for labor in no way implies equality OF the types of labor. When labor becomes enjoyable and non-oppressive, it becomes an honest obligation rather than a burden to the individual. And of course equality of reward doesn't imply no specialization. No one ever said that everyone is expected to know everything. A logical division of labor does not imply an irrational inequality in living standards.

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